Saturday, December 22, 2007

lots of things

most importantly, i just got home from hanging out with JT for the first time since october 06.
he's living the life in the dorf, in case you are incapable of reading sidebars.

lots of things came from tonight:

1. he listened to my request for a Batman comic in german. i am now the proud owner of "Der Batman". pictures/scans to come soon, i fucking promise. I'm sure he had dozens of people request things from Germany, and to be thought of is very nice.
2. i'm so jealous. the things he talks about remind me of my best times. just a normal day to him is equivalent to a vacation to me. i'm sure that the newness wears off, but i would like to live my vacations for my regular days, even if they don't seem so spectacular to him after over a year of living there.
3. everyone has down times, even people that you maybe have on a pedestal. and maybe they even deserve the pedestal. but they also get shitty times. no one's life is can i be honest with myself in wanting a perfect life? it doesn't make sense to want what you can't have.
4. number 3 makes me want to keep in better touch with a lot of people. i would love to be in more efficient contact with lots of people. not much is keeping me from that. if a loved one has a problem, it shouldn't matter that they are in a different time zone. it shouldn't be from june to now that i hear about the details. sean, you need to be more proactive in many, if not all, of your friendships.
5. i still want to live in germany. see all of the above. (and below)
6. i finally bought JT a few beers. he bought me tournament fees, dinners, beers, gas, hotels, jerseys, and so much more. the last time he was in Nac. i didn't have a full time job. now i make a reasonable salary. i can buy him a few beers. that means a lot to me. for anyone on the internet that decides to read this. just know that i became more of a man today.
7. i'm going to bed. lots more swirling in my head. from all angles. hopefully some of it will fit into type.

p.s. ok, there were three words i said to myself when i was hanging out with JT, listening to his stories. two i don't remember and will probably not remember. but they were in a similar vein as 'colloquial' . JT's stories were so funny and continental(??) i guess that the best way to say that.
our stories were so boring. about new fast food restaurants and small town gossip. he talked about Morocco and women and beer and things that i think i care more about than the new wingstop in nac.

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