Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i like to call it "lost wages"

If you were lucky enough to see Frisky Dingo when it was on, then you get that joke. Basically, it was one of the greatest cartoons of the modern age. I hope it returns to finish the second season.

I'll be leaving for Dallas in about 3 hours. Tomorrow morning we leave for Vegas in the 5am range. I'm really pumped about being there and seeing what kind of trouble I can get into. Hopefully the fact that I am a 9th wheel won't matter. I'm happy with being out on my own.
I'm not much into gambling, but I do have a few bets to place for some friends. I hope we win.

When I'm in Dallas tonight I'm going to give my dad my laptop. That will be cool. I'm really glad to help him out since his computer is dead. He did pay for over half of the damn thing. is really taking off. Chrissy is going to admin while I am away. I think the site will be fine under her guidance. I hope more people send in comics. They are always better when unsolicited.

I will try and post from Lost Wages, but it might be a funny comic that goes over toCU30S.

I want to encourage everyone to see Juno. I watched it for a second time (a rarity for me) and it was even better! The soundtrack is cool too. Who knew they still made soundtracks. Wait. Did they mean to sell that? Do they still sell CDs? Why?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a member of the working force, you possess specific statutory rights specifically designed to protect injured employees in the event that you are injured while performing in the course and scope of your employment. Workers' compensation provides limited insurance coverage for injured employees for lost of wages, medical treatment, vocational rehabilitation and retraining, if necessary.
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