Monday, January 28, 2008


Pud died today. Some wild dogs killed him. Well. The neighbor told Dan they had collars. German shepherds. They have killed cats around the city for the past few days. Dan said that animal control is going to shoot them on sight.

Pud was 14 or so years old. He made noises that other cats don't make. He was really high strung because he was so old. He always wanted either out or in. April hated him. I loved him and treasured his unique personality. He was very smart and knew a lot of tricks. Even at his age, Pud loved laser pointers and flashlights. He would go crazy and act like a kitten when Dan brought one out. Malcolm doesn't even do that. Pud knew to go faster when I said "hurry up!" while holding the door open. He knew everything. Dan spent over a thousand dollars on him one time. Something about chemo for thyroid cancer. Money well spent, I've always agreed. Malcolm loved to follow him around. I wonder what will go on in Malcolm's mind when he can't find Pud. How long until a cat forgets his friends? I hope Dan and I get another cat.
Choklo died last year too. That was Dan's other cat. Choklo was another unique personality. She was mean and proud of it. But she also wanted to be loved and I did. She died violently in my car as I raced towards an experimental procedure in College Station that was her only chance to live. Dan wasn't there for that either, he was out of town.
I have a gun. Dan has lots. I never keep it loaded, or even in the same room as the ammo. I'm going to have it ready from now on.

I miss Pud already. He was healthy and happy, also a little stressed out. That is what I love about cats. They have complex personalities. Getting to know one is a great honor, and Pud was a great cat. I think he let me in. I wish I had more lazy Saturdays on the couch with him. Me watching basketball, him between my legs purring, with Malcolm peering over a bunker-like pillow he's found. Waiting for the chance to pounce on us.


Anonymous said...

the best thing you can say about someone is that they'll be missed. i'm sorry for your loss.

cornbread hell said...

sorry to hear that sean. sad.

Zay said...

pud sounded like an interesting furry friend and will be sorely missed. i'm sorry for you loss.