Wednesday, November 12, 2008

phone phun!

this guy looks a lot more like (the hated) matt reis when the angle is different. he's always there "studying". more like "butt licking"

least rewarding thing i've ever bought: gillette body/face/shampoo wash. i thought it would stream line my showering process. it did not. instead it made me feel inadequet for not being able to rise a lather from it. and yes. that is Leonardo.

saw this on the road. what the fuck is this thing? a mobile military bunker? i really wanted rabbit or someone hardcore to be riding with me. cuz i know a few people who would have done a movie style car hop to check it out for me.

see you tomorrow. and if, on my last day, that matt reis lookalike is still there? yeah, i'll beat him up.

1 comment:

josephine terese said...

very sad about the non-lathering lather. i bought some bert's bees shampoo that doesn't lather. i just can't feel clean without bubbles!