Monday, September 29, 2008


i made a budget. it doesn't look very pretty. and i was not very honest with myself when it comes to my levels of frivolous spending. partly b/c i don't want to admit how much i eat/drink out and partly b/c i don't want to delv into my bank account to add it all up....fine. typing that makes me sound like i'm not taking this seriously. i'll do it. fine. geez. get off my back.

ok. that was just as bad as i expected. i need to eat out less. i'll have to stick to a number of times i go out during the week. i've tried this in the past, but never with any reason other than to spend less money. now that i'm needing to save money, it should be more important. once? twice a week? who knows. i'll try it this week. oops. i went out last night. no more of that then. great. this should be fun.

another added headache is my rigorous travel schedule. i don't know how to anticipate my travel line item. i have ultimate tournaments, family to see, Dynamo games (which i will never sacrifice) and lots of other crap to do. like this weekend, i'm going to Austin and i expect i'll spend 85 on gas. 50 on food and 15 on snacks/drinks for during the tournament. thankfully i'm staying with mom, but still, that is a lot of money right there.

in a few days my raise kicks in. sadly the fuzzy math factor will screw me out of what my math says i should be getting. instead of 400 bucks a month, it is only 266. fuck that. how about i don't even want insurance? i don't! i'd rather have the cash. bunch of scams is all my check stub looks like.

maybe i can sell my body. no! not like that! i mean liver, kidney, skin grafts.

at least i have my laptop paid off and working. oh.wait.


rabbit! said...

if you need someone to be poor with im getting pretty good at it. we can start a new season of blitz or something.

jb said...

even tho it may be hard to do, please remember all things must pass. that is, your poor days will be a thing of the past one day and hopefully you can look back and remember fondly the good times you had Because you were poor. know what i mean?